" A proud heart and a lofty mountain are never fruitful " William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" The unthankful soul may thank itself it thrives no better "
William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour
" True discipleship consists, not in a blind submission to authority, but in the discernment and love of the truth; not in subjecting the conscience to a revelation which it does not understand, but in educating and feeding the conscience by the truth apprehended in the revelation " Thomas Erskine, The Doctrine of Election

" Think not lightly of thy prayers, for He who heareth them thinketh not lightly of them "
St. Bernard

" Art thou weak? Bless God thou hast life "
William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" The stronger the cry, the stronger the child, I warrant you "
William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" Sin makes men and women partakers of the devil's character now, and of his condemnation hereafter "
Thomas Robinson, Homiletical Commentary on the Book of Daniel

" Do not prefer popular errors to unpopular truths "
Bp. Christopher Wordsworth; The Maccabees and the Church

" Not a particle of light, or wisdom, or justice, or power, or rectitude, or genuine truth, will anywhere be found, which does not flow from Him, and of which He is not the cause "
John Calvin

" Inspiration does not supersede Reason and Labour, but presupposes the use of both "

Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch

" Inspiration enables human Reason to use perfectly, whatever human Labour has provided for its use "

Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch

" All the difficulties in Scripture are mere dust in the balance when set against the difficulty of rejecting the testimony of Him who is Omniscient, who made the world, and who is God "
  Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, On the Inspiration of the Old Testament

" Faith, Patience, and Humility are wise readers of the Bible; and Time is an excellent interpreter "

Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, On the Inspiration of the Old Testament

" God used erring men to write Scripture, in order that Scripture, which is unerring, might be known to be not the work of man, but of God "
  Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, On the Inspiration of the Old Testament

" The union of sober-mindedness with spiritual-mindedness is the perfection of the Scriptural Expositor "
  Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, On the Inspiration of the Old Testament

" The Written Word is both a prophecy and a history of the Incarnate Word "

Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, Preface to the Holy Bible

" The simplicity of Scripture tries the strength of faith. It allows men to despise it, if they will. Scripture is like Christ. The written Word is like the Incarnate Word "
  BP. Christopher Wordsworth, Preface to the Holy Bible

" What is the Law, but the Gospel foreshadowed? What is the Gospel, but the Law fulfilled? "

Richard Hooker, V. xx. 6 (translating the words of Justin Martyr)

" Hasty people cannot be wise, and can scarcely be religious. "

Evangelism and Education, Jessop, 1947

" If Truth is optional,
Error is justifiable.... "

Charles Spurgeon, Notes, October 1888.

" What we use often we ought to use well "

  Bp. Christopher Wordsworth, Introduction to the Psalms

" If a man should say, 'There is no Catholic Church,' it followeth immediately hereupon that this Jesus, whom we call the Saviour, is not the Saviour of the world "
  Richard Hooker: Sermon on Justification

" Man's nature, so to speak,
is a perpetual factory of idols "

John Calvin

" It would be the height of absurdity to label ignorance tempered by humility faith! "

John Calvin, (Institutio III.2.3)

" A perfect faith is nowhere to be found, so it follows that all of us are partly unbelievers "

John Calvin

" Men are undoubtedly more in danger from prosperity than from adversity. For when matters go smoothly, they flatter themselves, and are intoxicated by their success "
John Calvin

" Let us not cease to do the utmost, that we may incessantly go forward in the way of the Lord; and let us not despair of the smallness of our accomplishments "
John Calvin

" There is no knowing that does not begin with knowing God "

John Calvin

" Is it faith to understand nothing, and merely submit your convictions implicitly to the Church? "

John Calvin

" All the arts come from God
and are to be respected as divine inventions "

John Calvin

" Without the fear of God, men do not even observe justice and charity among themselves "
John Calvin

" Let us never despair because of our limited success. Even though it is so much less than we would like, our labour is not wasted when today is better than yesterday! "
John Calvin

" Those for whom prophetic doctrine is tasteless ought to be thought of as lacking taste buds! "

John Calvin

" The foundation of our philosophy is humility "


" The orator, when asked, What is the first precept in eloquence? answered, Delivery: What the second? Delivery: the third? Delivery: so if you ask me concerning the precepts of the Christian religion, I will answer, first, second, and third, Humility "
St. Augustine

" Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the Holy Scriptures have delivered. "

John Calvin

" And ye peoples, to whom God gave the liberty to choose your own magistrates, see to it, that ye do not forfeit this favor, by electing to the positions of highest honor, rascals and enemies of God "
John Calvin

" Indeed, how can the mind by its own leading come to search out God's essence when it cannot even get to its own? "

John Calvin

" Not a particle of light, or wisdom, or justice, or power, or rectitude, or genuine truth, will anywhere be found, which does not flow from Him, and of which He is not the cause "
John Calvin

" Unbelief ought to strengthen our faith,
for it is foretold in Holy Scripture "

Bp. Christopher Wordsworth; The Maccabees and the Church

" The Love which is narrow cannot be Divine "
Bishop R. F. L. Blunt; (1893) The Christian in Home Life

" The love of truth is our only salvation "
Jean Guehenno of the French Academy

" Corrupt religion is the most prolific source of Atheism "
Bp. Christopher Wordsworth; (1849) Lectures on the Apocalypse

" Freedom of Speech, freedom of thought, freedom of action, freedom of conscience, ... , all this wonderful development is the fruit of Protestantism " Bp. David Cummins; (1868) Protestantism Not a Failure

" The old bottles-(he used to say)-would not receive new wine.- The long-resisted Spirit may give over striving! Fear to grow old in unbelief " Thomas Forret (1538) quoted in The Bulwark, 1859.

" If the minister forgets that he is a messenger of God, he can only avoid being a usurper over men by becoming their tool "
John Frederick Denison Maurice; Lectures on the Apocalypse

" There's a divinity that shapes our ends,
Rough-hew them how we will "

Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Hamlet

" Idolatry is the religion of sight in opposition to that of faith "
Alfred Edersheim, Bible History

" In a word,
Protestantism is revived Christianity "

James A. Wylie, The History of Protestantism

" Truth will triumph and continue. Everything opposed to Truth will be destroyed and pass away, whether in church or state "
Frederick Alley

" No one can interpret Scripture worse for himself than the Pope has done for him " Bp. Christopher Wordsworth

" Our only safety, both public and private, consists in following Christ " Bp. Christopher Wordsworth

" We have no Word of God but Scripture "
Richard Hooker

" Whom should I believe concerning God,
rather than God Himself? "

St. Ambrose

" Whatever you read in the true text of Scripture, doubt not that it is true "
St. Augustine

" Faith opens the way of the intellect, unbelief closes it "
St. Augustine

" Thou awakest us to delight in thy praise; for thou madest us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it repose in thee "

St. Augustine

" A crowd is not company "


" A little philosophy inclineth a man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion "


" Christ is not valued at all, unless He is valued above all "

St. Augustine

" Thou hast made us for Thee, and the heart knows no rest until it rests in Thee "

St. Augustine

" Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity "

St. Augustine

" He goeth back that continueth not "

St. Augustine

" He goeth better that creepeth in his way than he that runneth out of his way "

St. Augustine

" He hath ill repented whose sins are repeated "

St. Augustine

" Humble wedlock is far better than proud virginity "

St. Augustine

" Let every one inquire of himself what he loveth,
and he shall resolve himself of whence he is a citizen "

St. Augustine

" Deliver me from the evil man,
from myself "

St. Augustine

" Between bridge and stream the Lord’s mercy may be found "

St. Augustine

" Many are worshipped at the altar who are burning in flames "

St. Augustine

" Punishment is justice for the unjust "

St. Augustine

" The sufficiency of my merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient "

St. Augustine

" Thou awakest us to delight in thy praise; for thou madest us for thyself, and our heart is restless until it repose in thee "

St. Augustine

" For what else is the Law, but the Gospel foreshadowed? What other the Gospel, but the Law fulfilled? "
Justin Martyr

" The due estimation of heavenly truth dependeth wholly upon the known and approved authority of those famous oracles of God (Holy Scripture) " Richard Hooker

" We read in Churches certain books besides the Scripture,
yet as the Scripture we read them not "

Richard Hooker

" We hold not the Apocrypha for sacred (as we do the Holy Scripture) but for human compositions " Richard Hooker

" If we forgive our brethren,
we may be assured that God will forgive us "

Bp. Andrewes

" The more you love Christ, the more will you hate your sins; for the hatred of sin must follow the love of piety, as the shadow accompanies the body " Desiderius Erasmus

" I would rather that you should once hate your sins truly within, than ten times confess them in the language of abhorrence to a priest " Desiderius Erasmus

" It is God's duty to judge us "
Frederick Alley

" The end never justifies the means "
Frederick Alley

" Truth only shall endure "
Frederick Alley

" Faith works by love and the faith that does not work by love
is not Christian Faith "

Frederick Alley

" We are living in the midst of a blatant and aggressive idolatry today "
Frederick Alley

" There is no Divine Right of Kings or Priests to do wrong " Frederick Alley

" Truth and righteousness are eternal "
Frederick Alley

" Truth will triumph and continue. Everything opposed to Truth will be destroyed and pass away, whether in church or state "
Frederick Alley

" It is a good care how we may not anger God; it is a vain study how we may fly from his judgments, when we have angered him. "

Bp Joseph Hall, "Contemplations"

" How to live takes all one's life to learn. "


" Error is short sighted "

John Morrison, The Protestant Reformation in all Countries

" Men become foolish and do such things as are unmeet, because they care not for the Word of God (Jeremiah 8:9) "

Bp. John Jewel, Treatise of the Holy Scriptures

" The name only of Christ doth not make a Christian, but he must also have the truth of Christ; for there are many which walk in the name of Christ, but few which walk in his truth "
Chrysostom quoted by John Jewel, on "1st Thessalonians"

" Unless He open our lips, we cannot show forth His praise; unless He heal our deafness, we cannot give ear to His word; unless He give us understanding hearts, we cannot take knowledge of His will "
John Jewel, On 2 Thessalonians

" It is the part of Christians to be persecuted; but to persecute the Christians, it is the very office of Pilate and Caiaphas. "

Athanasius, quoted by Bp Jewel, "On 2nd Thessalonians"

" The Church of Christ combines the various elements of truth that are contained in these discordant systems. She confutes all error by teaching all truth "
Bp Christopher Wordsworth, The Interpretation of the Bible - 1861

" The true sense of Scripture is Scripture; and a false sense of Scripture is not Scripture, but is a corruption of it. "

Bp Christopher Wordsworth, Mormonism and England - 1867

" We equally lose Scripture, whether we are deprived of its text, or of its meaning "

Bp Christopher Wordsworth, Miscellanies,

" To despise Learning is fanaticism;
but to rely on it as sufficient, is Presumption "

Bp Christopher Wordsworth, Miscellanies,

" That which is called considering what is our duty,
is often nothing but endeavouring to explain it away "

Bp Butler, Sermon 7

" To comprehend religion aright a man needs a pure heart "

Barnes, Notes on the Bible

" It is a good care how we may not anger God; it is a vain study how we may fly from his judgments, when we have angered him "

Bp Joseph Hall "Contemplations

" God hath strength enough to give, but he hath no strength to deny, the mercy he has promised to sinners who turn to him "

William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" Give what thou commandest and command what thou wilt "
Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.) Confessions

" Thou, O Lord, blessest the godly,
but first Thou justifieth him when ungodly "

Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.) Confessions

" Marriage is the nursery of heaven "
Bp. Jeremy Taylor, The Marriage Ring

" When that which is temporal claims Eternity,
this is a name of blasphemy "

S. Jerome

" A pure faith is the virginity of the soul "
Saint Augustine

" It should never be forgotten that the highest and most perfect statements on all doctrinal truths are in the Scriptures, and the Scriptures alone " E. A. Litton, Introduction To Dogmatic Theology

" They err, who think that of the will of God to do this or that, there is no reason but His will "
Richard Hooker (I. ii. 3)

" We marvel, because we believe. Infidelity wonders and believes not. To Unbelief all simple things are vain, and great things are impossible " Tertullian

" When men are injured it is pride that makes them wish to be avenged "
St. Augustine, Homilies on the Gospels, Sermon 73

" Eternity itself cannot change the word of man
into the Word of God "

Bp. Christopher Wordsworth

" The main principle whereupon our belief of all things therein contained dependeth, is, that the Scriptures are the oracles of God Himself " Richard Hooker, III. viii. 13

" The Holy and Divine Scriptures are of themselves sufficient
for showing the truth "

St. Athanasius

" Whosoever separates Scripture from the Church
is in imminent peril of losing both "

Christopher Wordsworth, On the Inspiration of the Holy Scripture

" (The Christian) does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us " C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

" All these mighty sins and devils,
make not one almighty sin, or an almighty devil "

William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" God loves his children should believe his word, not dispute his power; so true is that saying of Luther: 'God loves the obedient, not the cavilling.' Deus amat curristas non quoeristas " William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" Dare to be holy despite men and devils "
William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" Let us not say to each other:Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die, but the rather, ... , Let us fast and pray, for to-morrow we die. " St. Augustine, Sermon ccx.

" Who, that desires to achieve great things,
despises the day of small things? "

Christopher Wordsworth, Commentary on Zechariah 4:10

" The Light of the written Word is from Christ the Eternal Word "
S. Cyril

" To will is more than to think,
to exert our will into action more than both. These are of God "

William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" The soul's strength to hear the Word is from God "
William Gurnall, The Christian in Full Armour

" Remember, therefore, that the object of your life be to be prepared for eternity. Unless you look forward to this, you lose your life entirely, and then you had better never have been born " Bp. John Amos Commenius
" We are convinced, by a fatal experience, that from those who have made a traffic of religion has proceeded the oppression of the world, and that by them have been forged the chains which weigh so heavily on humanity " Luigi Desanctis